On 15-16th February 2023, the INDUSAC team met on the second consortium meeting which was organized online via the ZOOM platform.
On the first day, the morning was dedicated to the presentation of work that has been done during the first five months of the project to review the submitted deliverables.
Then, representatives from Jožef Stefan Institute, the project coordinator, talked about the project management issues and presented the plan until the end of 2023 according to the tasks, deliverables, deadlines, and milestones and also presented the TO DOs list with dates for monthly meetings, etc.
After that, the work package leaders presented the progress of the project according to the implementation of their tasks. The objectives were to discuss the current and planned tasks of each Work Package to present the deliverables that were submitted and to show other partners what are the plans for upcoming months. It was also an opportunity to discuss about the realization of the past 5 months.